Two papers by Zenghu Chang featured in Nature Photonics

Nature Photonics published a focus issue on Attosecond Photonics. Professor Zenghu Chang is co-author on the commentary paper and he and members of his group are authors on a review paper.
What will it take to observe processes in 'real time'?
Stephen R. Leone, C. William McCurdy, Joachim Burgdörfer, Lorenz S. Cederbaum, Zenghu Chang, Nirit Dudovich, Johannes Feist, Chris H. Greene, Misha Ivanov, Reinhard Kienberger, Ursula Keller, Matthias F. Kling, Zhi-Heng Loh, Thomas Pfeifer, Adrian N. Pfeiffer, Robin Santra, Kenneth Schafer, Albert Stolow, Uwe Thumm & Marc J. J. Vrakking.
Even for simple systems, the interpretations of new attosecond measurements are complicated and provide only a glimpse of their potential. Nonetheless, the lasting impact will be the revelation of how short-time dynamics can determine the electronic properties of more complex systems.

The generation, characterization and applications of broadband isolated attosecond pulses
Michael Chini, Kun Zhao & Zenghu Chang
This review discusses significant recent advances in the generation, characterization and application of ultrabroadband isolated attosecond pulses with a spectral bandwidth comparable to the central frequency, which can in principle be compressed to a single optical cycle.
Posted Monday, March 3, 2014