Attosecond pump-probe setups
The first one uses a time-of-flight spectrometer to measure momentum of photoelectrons produced by attosecond pulses. It
has an attosecond pulse generation chamber and a detection chamber. Isolated attosecond pulses as short as 107 attosecond
were generated and characterized. We have developed a 3 meter long magnetic bottle electron Time-of-Flight spectrometer
to achieve high spectra resolution.
The second setup is based on a velocity map imaging spectrometer. We have obtained electron images produced by high harmonic
light. Inversion algorithms have been developed. It will be used to perform angularly resolved experiments.
The third one is an attosecond transient absorption setup. A transmission grating spectrometer is used to measure the transmitted
XUV spectrum. The resolution is 50 meV at 30 eV photon energy. We measured time-resolved autoionization of Ar using this